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Who We Are

We are a faith-based addictions ministry. We offer a 6-month in-house residence program that includes 600+ hours of Bible Study and worship and over 300 hours of community service. To enter our program, we ask that you attend Chapel on Saturdays at 10:00. At the end of worship, men are given the opportunity to come forward to join. After the worship service, you will fill out an Admission Form and be interviewed. Admission fee is $200. We ask that potential residents come back for atleast two Chapel Services. Residents have the option to stay at The Other Side for an additional 6 months to a year in our Phase 2 portion of the program.

We do not accept applicants that are on anti-depressants, pain medication or psychiatric medications. We also do not accept applicants with a past history of violent behavior or sexual misconduct. We also do not accept anyone from jail or prison. We ask that potential residents get this part of their life behind them before coming to rehab.

We are not a detox facility, and we are not a homeless facility.

Residents are in a 28-day blackout when they enter the facility. This period of time helps the resident focus on their relationship with God. They do not have access to a phone; After the 28-day blackout, residents can receive mail and write letters. They are allowed one phone call a month.

What to Bring With You:

The laundry area is shared, so please bring adequate clothing. Men are allowed 8 outfits. Work clothes for the most part, tee shirts may be worn in the summer. Bring at least one long sleeve work shirt. Bring a jacket for cold weather and cap for sun protection. Church clothes will be clean clothes in good repair. Work gloves will be provided. We provide four Other Side shirts for church, chapel and for community service days.

The suggested list of personal care items includes:

  • Bible (All Bible memory verses will be in King James Version (KJV). If you have other versions, those are fine)
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Envelopes, stamps, and writing material may be brought to use when allowed
  • Razor and shaving cream (electric or safety)
  • Bath Soap & Shampoo
  • Nail clippers/nail file
  • Reading material will be available, therefore, do not bring personal reading material without the Director's approval
  • Non-alcoholic mouthwash
  • Comb or brush as required
  • Any hair cream if needed (non-alcoholic)
  • Watch, if desired, and glasses, if needed
  • Family pictures are acceptable
  • Tylenol, sinus medication, etc... should be supplied by the resident's family
  • Khaki dress pants

Our Purpose

Using life experiences from our past will allow us to reach out to those experiencing similar difficulties, giving us the ability to understand their struggles and offer them hope.

Romans 5:1

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Other Side Rehabilitation Program

Get in Touch

Time & Schedules

Office Hours: 8AM - 4PM
Chapel: 10AM | Saturday
Family Visitation Potluck
Saturday 12:00 noon

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